lice in chidren

who can get lice?

a lice infestation is most commonly observed among children aged 3 to 11 years, along with their family members, who often share close environments. however, due to the highly contagious nature of lice, it is important to note that anyone, regardless of age, background, or lifestyle, can become infested with these parasites.

signs & symptoms

Hair lice and nits
  • itchiness caused by louse bites.

  • a sensation of movement in the hair.

  • Lice are active at night, disrupting sleep.

  • scalp lesions from frequent scratching.

    infected sores can affect children's health and school performance.

what are lice and nits?

about lice

head lice are parasitic insects that primarily feed on human blood. since these pests cannot survive for long periods without it, they continuously feed, much like mosquitoes. interestingly, lice develop a preference for certain individuals based on their blood composition, leading to some people be more susceptible to infestations.

how to prevent lice?


avoid head contact or close proximity with someone who has lice.


wear your hair up in a bun, ponytail, or in braids. or cover your hair with a scarf.


do not share brushes, combs, towels, hats, scarves, or hair ribbons.


check your child’s head weekly with a professional lice comb.


use Lice Out anti-lice products proactively to prevent a lice infestation.

facts & myths about lice

lice don’t jump or fly

they crawl quickly from one head to another through direct head contact, making transmission of lice more likely.

lice don’t

age, gender, and social class do not matter when it comes to the risk of lice infestation. anyone can be exposed to lice at any time.

lice aren’t a disease

but scratching can lead to infections. in severe cases, lice can cause anemia and affect sleep and focus on children.

lice can survive underwater

for up to eight hours. they hold tightly to the hair, and chlorine doesn’t kill them. avoid sharing towels or items after swimming.

pets don’t spread lice

but they can carry lice on their fur from brushes, pillows, or clothes, which could lead to indirect contact with children’s heads.

lice aren’t related to hygiene

they feed on blood, not dirt. even with clean hair, lice can thrive as long as they have a food source.

what is true on this brooklyn99 episode?

who else is a Brooklyn 99 fan?
let’s see what you can learn from this episode:

  1. scratching due to an itchy scalp can cause lesions.

  2. maple syrup won’t treat lice or remove lice eggs – home remedies for lice aren’t effective.

  3. the best way to get rid of lice is by visiting a professional lice removal center – we comb the Lice Out for you!

  4. our treatment only takes 60 minutes, no need to wait around!

the most important – lice can happen to anyone!